TechLetters #144 Europe to save the world from AI Extinction? US voluntary AI security commitments. Effects of cyber operations are nuanced. WebP bugs. Antimateria falling down.
White House released voluntary commitments in AI development. One is about: "societal risks, and national security concerns, such as bio, cyber, and other safety areas". It's a limit on aiding in weapons design. But the cat is out of the bag, sorry.
Limited cyber effects. According to US Army, cyber operations on their own (in isolation) have little deterrent effect. Naturally. They must be used with other tools, such as informational, diplomatic, or even kinetic forces.
US Army about the risks of deepfake/generative AI/synthetic content. "previously could take a professional days/weeks to construct, but now, these fakes can be produced in a fraction of the time with limited or no technical expertise". Defence is reactive.
Russian cyber approach vs Ukraine turns to fast information theft. “dumping documents, sometimes as many as 21,000 office documents, along with browser credentials. They execute this tactic within the first 30 minutes of successfully infiltrating a compromised system”. But in the overall, the rate of cases went down.
WebP bugs and exploits. CVE-2023-4863 references WebP bugs, and this is a good opportunity to discuss the issue of “who owns” a vulnerability. It is a bug in the graphics library, but the library is used in multiple software like many web browsers - Chrome, Firefox, etc. The vulnerability has been exploited in wild.
Technology Policy
Europe wants to protect from AI extinction event. Wait, what?! I'm sorry, but has the European Commission.. gone mad?! They bought the PR spin threatening "human extinction" because of AI. And so... they will "work" to "solve" this "problem". Maybe a new agency? :-)
Antimateria is falling down. CERN ALPHA experiment verified that antimateria (antigydrogen atoms) is affected by gravity just like materia
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