TechLetters ☕️ Disinformation reaches Company Board (or is this a promotional campaign)? Filling social media with AI bots as a business model.
Leadership teams are playing catch-up on disinformation. Just as they were with cybersecurity. 8 in 10 executives worry about its impact on their businesses, yet less than half feel prepared to tackle it. Disinformation is escalating rapidly, targeting industries across the board. In my book, I discuss how addressing this is not just a PR issue—it requires operational and technological resilience. Is your organization ready to confront these risks? Let’s connect.
U.S. telecom operators now claim that they are secure from nation-state hackers. "We have not detected threat actor activity ... for some time," the Chief Legal Officer stated. Previous targets included officials connected to Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's campaigns.
How does password-less authentication work under the hood? Entire book devoted to WebAuthn. “When a password database leaks, not only can any successfully cracked passwords be used immediately to sign in to that site but, because of password re-use, those users’ accounts on other sites may also be compromised. Passwords can leak from many other parts of the software stack. Facebook inadvertently logged hundreds of millions of passwords over many years, and Javascript-injection attacks can exfiltrate anything entered on a site, including passwords. This book is about using public key signature schemes to try and build a better system of authentication” Here.
The future is social media filled with AI-powered bots? According to Meta’s AI vision, this might be the case. Connor Hayes, vice-president of product for generative AI at Meta, explained that these AI agents might soon "exist on our platforms, kind of in the same way that accounts do. They’ll have bios and profile pictures and be able to generate and share content powered by AI on the platform." While companies explore ways to monetize AI with inauthentic content or behavior, non-state and state structures have already been using botnets and troll farms for information influence—just not for profit.
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