TechLetters ☕️ Information operations handbook, again. Cryptex and cash in the kitchen. Breakthrough #GDPR interpretations.
My book Propaganda, on Disinformation, Influence Operations, and Information Warfare officially launched on 2nd October! It has been a long and challenging journey. Get it from the publisher (be careful about ebook format) or any shop of your choice! You may also support me and my work if you wish. I may be repeating myself but ain’t I happy with this work :-)
Cryptex seizure. Russian police forces enter the homes of members of the Cryptex cyber currency exchange. The exchange and the people behind were already on the radar of e.g. U.S. authorities for processing (laundering?) cash from ransomware cyber activity. A sizable operation. Also the cybercriminal one. The operation is an international collaboration, also carried by authorities in other places.
Deanonymising people with smart-glasses. Glasses from Meta with a function (app) to instantly discover identity and information (profession, address, etc...) about the person the wearer sees. On the street, on the metro, anywhere. Such times are coming? Everyone will know everything about everyone.
GDPR interpretation about processing of additional data. Publicly discussing one's sexual orientation does not permit an online platform to process additional data from third-party sites for personalized ads. Court of Justice of the EU also ruled that a commercial interest, such as selling personal data for marketing, can be considered a legitimate interests under GDPR. This must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. It could have serious consequences for online advertising, perhaps helping to get rid of/relax some of the GDPR cookie consent pop-ups.
Do things sometimes look too good to be true? "Founded by a former director of the National Security Agency and stacked with elite members of the U.S. intelligence establishment, the never-profitable company announced it was shutting down"
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